this guy :)
Hi all. It's been a crazy work week (flying 25 people into South Bend in February? The world just LAUGHS at you). So here are just a few interesting things I've found during my recuperative trolling sessions.
You know intercultural communication is my JAM - so you'll know I loved reading
this translated list of advice for Japanese travelers going to America. My favorite is the reflection on how long we spend in grocery store lines - and what a good opportunity that is to make friends! Sounds very Midwestern, to me.
Today, I had to look professional. So I threw on a blazer. Job done. The brand is Gibson, and I found it at Nordstrom Rack during
this weekend. One of my matrons of honor bought the same thing, and damn if it didn't look cute on both of us. And just to further push home the magic of this blazer: me = 5'5", curvy, big boobs, she= 6'2", tall and slender. I have never really found blazers that didn't need tailoring before this one. Now I really want
this version, in hunter green.
After taking medical ethics in college, I'm always interested in breaking news on legal battles over the body.
This story is crazy - does a pregnant woman have the right to move, with her unborn child, away from the father? Does it matter if the father is an Olympian or if they had only a brief, non-committal relationship? Yes, to all, btw. Also, this week,
Belgium passed legislation allowing child euthanasia. I've always found Europe's view on euthanasia of the terminally ill fairly progressive, and humane, but this feels extreme (and so sad).
This is another interesting read - why volunteering in the developing world, as a white person, may not be such a good idea (for the countries in need). We all like to think that all help is good, if it's well-intentioned, but is that really true?

I'm having a huge Cream of Wheat love affair right now. I like this idea of an Indian rice pudding substitute. I'm thinking of trying
this recipe, without the rose water. Normally, I only need about a teaspoon of brown sugar to make it sweet enough.
That's all folks! Have a good weekend :)