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Should I Say It?

Happy Valentines Day! 

A bit early I know, but I thought I would share for one of two reasons:
1. You're so excited about tomorrow that getting a little early enthusiasm will just add to your pleasure.
2. You so hate Valentines day that one more blog post about the day could put you over the edge. So it's a good thing we're getting it out of the way early.

In all honesty, the day isn't a huge deal for me. Which I find really ironic, since - as a long suffering singleton all through middle school, high school, and college - I DREAMED about how awesome Valentine's Day would be with a beau. So now that I have one? Meh. I'm not overly impassioned by the day. 

But regardless, I do enjoy soaking up some of the romance that fills the air alongside the red and pink hear shaped confetti. 

Like this article, below. Did you see it already? If not, have a tissue handy.

romance on v-day
from here
How about these great postsecret postcards?

love postcard post secret

love postcard post secret

love postcard post secret

So now, with that inspiration, what are you going to do for your valentine? Truth be told - we're celebrating tonight. We met on Friday 13th, so celebrating on the 13th is kind of habit back from the "OMG IT'S OUR 4 MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!" stage. But a nice card and gift tomorrow may be in the works. I like these graphic diy ideas, from for a song.

And, if even after all this inspiration, you still despise Valentine's day consider this - Vinegar Valentines.
Popular in Victorian times, these nasty notes were sent to deter possible Valentines - by mocking them for unpleasant characteristics. Even worse? At that time, the recipient paid the 1 cent postage fee, not the sender. Pretty sour, huh?

So what will you be this Valentine's day? Mushy or Mean? Either way - eat some chocolate!!



  1. Honestly, we make Valentine's Day a much bigger deal for our kids than ourselves. I leave a trail of Hershey Kisses (red for my son, pink for my daughter) from their rooms to the breakfast table. We read Valentine's Day books. We have a tea party lunch with fancy dishes, heart shaped food, and, of course, candy. We even have a build up to the day, making homemade cards, baking sugar cookies, watching Valentine's day episodes of favorite shows, etc.
    As for myself and my husband, we exchange cards (I made him a Doctor Who Valentine this year) and he might give me candy or flowers. This year we're going out to dinner on the 16th not because of Valentine's Day but because the kids will be sleeping over at Nana's!

    1. Oh, the kisses trail sounds so cute! Have fun tomorrow night on your big date!! :)

  2. Hahaha I didn't know recipients had to pay for the cards. That's pretty awful to pay for a horrible card. I liked the ones you selected though!


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