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New Beginings

Hey all!! Sorry for the radio silence lately. No, no, it's not you - it's me. I've been busy!
In addition to this huge life event, I've also switched jobs and moved 3 hours away from home.
And if you're guessing this move took me 3 hours closer to my new fiancé (in fact, right into his very studio apartment) you'd be right!

So this week is ALL about transition, learning, and trying not to kill each other in a space the size of a large dog kennel. We'll make sure this engagement sticks all right ;).

Anyways, I PROMISE I haven't forgot about all the awesome Paris and Brugges photos and tips I wanted to share with you. Just hold on to your horses and - GO IRISH!


  1. Wow, you've been busy! I'm excited for you!

  2. Hi Em! I heard of your engagement from your neighbor, Uma Staehler. Your dad happily and proudly filled in some of the details. Congratulations on your new fiance' and your new job at ND!! You did a fine job here at Ivy Tech and I know ND is blessed to have you there. I hope you love your new life in South Bend. GO IRISH!

    Cheri Bush :)


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