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Pin it to me, baby!

From here via Pinterest
Ok, everyone. If you are not already, it's high time you become addicted to Pinterest. It's the nifftiest online tool I've ever used, and I am by no means techy or savvy, let alone tech-savvy. But this is easy enough that a preschooler or fairly computer literate grandma could do it.
You have to be invited to join (I know, it sounds snooty, just hang in there) and once you do you are able to download a magical bookmark to your bookmarks bar. When you're hitting the internet and come across a particularly lovely picture, you can then hit the Pin It book mark and the program grabs the picture for you and lets you save it to a virtual bulletin board (or moooood board as the fancy people call it).

From here bc I don't know how to screen grab ;(
You can have a bulletin board of your favorite clothes, trip destinations, wedding ideas (not that I have anything like this...cough), whatever you want! And your buddy Pinterest keeps the original source of the picture, so it's a great way to keep track of articles to read and websites to visit. I have one devoted solely to maps and another for cute things that make me go Squee! I've got some baby shower ideas up there for this weekend's celebration of my friend who's preggers <3. You can also browse through and repin other people's posts and share comments and like their pictures and probably more things that I haven't discovered yet.

 So, if you're not in the cool kids' club yet, send me and email and I'll get you started. I feel a little like drug pusher here, so I'll include this caveat:

***Joining Pinterest may result in extreme cases of procrastination, overestimation of your DIY abilities, and severe drooling over accessories and/or baked goods. Be aware that your free time may be fully and inextricably consumed by "pinning" and that you may be susceptible to becoming a pinaholic.***

Any Pinners out there? What's your current Pinterest obsession? Do you actually do any of the DIY things you pin??? ('cause mostly I don't.)


  1. E, I <3 your blog. Just FYI :)

  2. aww, thanks so much!! i hope you are doing well out in the big city! call me up when you're back in Indy :)


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